"As I've journeyed to self-awareness, gained inner courage and strength, learned to express with integrity, I realised that my work, my mission is about remembering love. Love as a higher frequency state of being, love as a feeling and a thought, as a behavior, love as a universal language. I realised that it is part of my evolution to understand the bigger picture of 'love' and learn how to call this highest universal frequency into my daily life in order to apply it to every aspect of my life. dijana.org is the ever evolving, expanding dance between the Universe and I, as we merge our etheric and physical rhythm in equal measure of receiving and giving, at peace, in harmony, and in service to self and the collective."
Dijana is a qualified Holistic and Transpersonal Counsellor & Psychotherapist, psychology and natural medicine trained.
When she graduated in 2005, Dijana immediately started her own practice called Living Empowered.
Living Empowered represented a new way of being, integrating Mind Body Emotion Spirit into wholeness, awareness, acceptance and love. To this day, the holistic well-being intention and foundations stay the same.
Love and Blessings

Highest Self-Actualisation
Feminine Energy Within holds sacred knowledge and the vision of a persons Highest Potential in any area of life. The mentoring process allows dijana.org to co-create the sacred environment in which the highest potential of the person is revealed, acknowledged, understood and embodied.
Masculine Energy Within is the sacred energy in motion that activates, charges, takes action and manifests the highest life vision of the person.
Dip. Health Science (Holistic Counselling Practices)
Dip. Natural Medicine Counselling
BA. Psychology
Seasons - Grief & Loss Program
Music, Rhythm & Mandalas - Art Therapy
Cert IV in Training & Assessment
Meditation & Energy Healing Training 1989-1994 - with one of Australia's pioneer spiritual & intuitive teachers, Rozalia Balazsi.