15-Minute Initial Consultation and discovery call
This initial short consultation is where we begin to build rapport. We also discuss and agree on initial parametres of the Mentoring journey, for example the frequency and rhythm of our sessions. We discuss other relevant and important aspects of the process such as privacy and confidentiality, legal requirements, etc.
A total of 8 x 1-to-1 Coaching sessions (online/in-person)
1-to1 coaching is an intimate process, individual and unique to each person.
To qualify it and give you insight about what you can expect, here's a general outline:
1. Personal development is where you may choose to develop a part of your self such as (for example) better listening or communication skills
2. Self-awareness is about becoming more aware of your beliefs, behaviours and daily patterns. Often these are either unconscious or automatic and can be highly detrimental to creating healthy and harmonious outcomes
3. Inner awakening is the process of you waking up to your blind spots and shadows. In other words, this is the process of you making friends with your unconscious mind, the unknown or forgotten parts of your psyche
4. Coaching is a more directive process. This is where we explore new habits and create new routines
5. Healing is letting go, acceptance, forgiveness. This process is sometimes the most challenging but crucial
6. Deep insight is the when you level up, embody the wisdom learned, the wisdom remembered. You will remember and know that you had 'it' within you already!
Unlimited Support for the duration of Mentoring
In the spirit of mentorship and truest collaboration, I am available to you for relevant mentor-related questions, contemplations and support
FREE access to the Integrative Holistic Health & Wellbeing Program©
Complimentary to get you started on your holistic health and wellbeing journey. This program is a comprehensive complimentary medicines and modalities online, self paced program, suitable to anyone. Immensely valuable!
A FREE membership to the Wisdom Mentor community group
This is our new online community group. Here is where you will meet and connect with others on this wisdom journey. The value of organic, collaborative and compassionate communities is infinate, especially at this time in our collective evolution. Enjoy and engage! Support and allow yourself to be supported and held.
*1 Soul Wisdom Orancle Card Reading (otional)
Oracle cards have served as a divination tool for eons. They are also a visual representation of The Hero's Journey, of the spectrum or archetypes within and around us. As a highly visual person I sincerely value Oracle Medicine as offer it's widom to you as well, should you be inspired to receive.
4 x fortnightly payments of $800.
No Added Fees. Just easy fortnightly payments.
Before making your purchase, please contact Dijana for your complimentary 15-Minute consultation and evaluation.
Ready to talk? Contact Dijana - Click Here
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